Since the beginning, video games have been criticized for making people feel more unsocial and overweight, or even depressed. Researchers are now discovering that video games like 명일 방주 2 or knights actually alter our lives for the better and help improve our physical as well as our minds. Games can help develop physical abilities. Children in preschool who play games that are interactive, such as the ones for playing role-playgames, have been found to improve their motor skills. For instance, they are able to throw, catch, and kick the ball more effectively than kids who do not play video games. The study on surgeons doing microsurgery in Boston discovered that those who played games with video were 27 percent more efficient and also made 37 percent fewer mistakes as compared to those who didn’t. Also, the vision has better, particularly in discerning the difference between different shades of grey. This is beneficial for the driving exper...