Arknights Endfield: The Reliable Gacha Game That We Can Play


The only gacha game we can reliably suggest to folks is 요 스타 and Hypergryph's mobile tower-defence game, Arknights — and believe us, we play a lot of them.

Arknights is mostly a single-player puzzle game; there is at least one predetermined way to complete each level. The soldiers you deploy to fend off the advancing horde of bad guys are the characters you can roll for in the gacha system. 

Each character has a distinct set of skills and is classified into several classes, such as snipers or medics. The good thing about arc knights is that the low-rarity units can be used to finish every level. You can clear it without that brand-new, ultra-rare, sparkling six-star unit.

Being stuck on a challenging level, not understanding how to defeat a brand-new monster, or having trouble getting through a particular wave of opponents and then figuring it out has a ridiculously satisfying quality. Sadly, there aren't many new levels or events in the game, but you can utilise that downtime to take a breather or gather resources to strengthen your characters.

Many other gacha games have multiplayer competition, which forces you to roll for fresh gacha troops to stay ahead of the pack. The only multiplayer options in Arknights. However, assist your friends by lending them your units or mailing them the supplies they require to make some money. There is no competition, and players who lack the rarest units in the game aren't making their friends' games less enjoyable.

With a little work and powering up, we were able to overcome Arknights' toughest stages with only low-rarity characters. Although having the rare SilverAsh unit, which, when powered up, decimates half the battlefield, would make it easier to complete the stages, I'm not blocked from accessing harder stuff because I don't have him.

This is a little shaken up by the challenging Contingency Contract occurrences in the game. The hardest levels can only be completed by players with the rarest units. However, most players can still get event rewards as long as they level up their characters. Although most players won't be able to complete Contingency Contract's final few stages, they will just lose out on bragging rights.

The gameplay of Arknights is likewise quite simple. You must invest a lot of time and effort if you want a powerful team to ensure that you have a strong summons, strong weapons, and strong characters in addition to strong characters. 


Arknights 엔드 필드 simply has characters and their skill levels to enhance, in contrast to these games that overwhelm me with an apparently unending list of things I'll be powering up for the remainder of my natural life.

However, Arknights is still a new game. The English translation was made available in January, whereas the original Chinese version has only been circulating for about a year and a half. It's not like this game is totally free of the sins of the gacha; the game has incorporated the dreadful concept of "limited" units that can only be taken from the gacha during particular times. 

Free-to-play mobile role-play games frequently include ominous and unreliable systems to coerce players into spending, and some of these features only start to show up after the game has been out for a year or two. But as of right now, Arknights is the one we feel comfortable recommending to our readers.


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